The positives of having a Training Partner by Nick Smith

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If you’ve never played team sports then exercise can seem like something you need to do on your own: just you and your headphones. But we love the community feel that working out can create and having a partner can help take your training to the next level. Here’s why:



If you’re doing strength training then you really, really need a training partner. You can’t always rely on the gym staff or other gym goers to spot when you’re in trouble. If you’re training with a partner then they’re there to spot you and take the load when it gets too much.



Your training partner might not be an expert but they’ll have their strengths and can help you correct areas where you’re weaker. You can also do the same for them, so you both improve together.



They’ll keep you focussed during your workout. It’s easy to lose track of reps or what’s coming next, so a training partner can help count for you and provide you with instructions. Then you can just focus on the movement and effort.



There’ll come times when you just won’t want to train or do another set. But if you know there’s someone relying on you then you won’t want to let them down, so you’ll power through that temporary low and will feel so much better for it.

They’ll also be there to push you to get one more rep or to go slightly heavier during your workouts. Plus you’ll also get to do some of the “motivational shouting” which is always fun!



Having a training partner can help you feel more part of the community. Our aim to is create a community of like-minded people who want to be the best versions of themselves. Having a dedicated training partner can take that to the next level, especially if you’re both keen on competing as we run competitions every few months, which often require partners.



Most importantly though, training partners make training fun! They’re there to chat about your day, push you to a level you didn’t know you had, laugh at how red you’ve gone and give you a sweaty hug or fist pump after a workout. What could be better than that?


If you want to find a training partner then get in touch with one of the team the next time you’re in the Box and we’ll try to match you with someone who’s in a similar position to you.

Nick Smith