Is CrossFit Volentia for you?
One of the things you may be wondering about is whether CrossFit Volentia is right for you and so I thought I’d share some insights into the type of person who is generally looking to join us;
After prospective member contacts us they will come in for an intro meeting with me, called a No Sweat Intro. It’s a designated time for people to share their fitness journey with us and for us to work out with them what will work best for them at Volentia based on their needs and goals.
Let’s Go!
If we had 20 people in for a No Sweat Intro meeting, around 1-2 of them would be a higher level athlete…that is someone who regularly plays sport to a high level, is physically fit, strong and robust both physically and mentally and comes to us for either group classes or personal training to support their primary sport or who wants to do something different during their off season. These people may also be experienced CrossFitters, maybe they’ve moved home or job and are looking for their new CrossFit family.
Between 3 to 5 people would say they are relatively new to the area, would like to meet new friends and mix with people who share their values.
Amongst that 20 we see around 4 or 5 people who are not exercising at all at the moment for one reason or another. Perhaps their work has taken over more of their time, perhaps they’ve recently moved or got a new job and they’re only just settling in to their ‘new normal’ perhaps they were injured or perhaps they just stopped…
A good number of people will be interested in changing their body composition. This could be to lose weight or increase muscle mass and usually a bit of both. We can offer support, education and accountability for people to really make a difference; backing up with nutrition what you’re doing in the gym is REALLY important!
Around 7-10 people talk to me about wanting to learn how to lift weights correctly…they may have picked up injuries in the past through not knowing whether they’re deadlifting correctly for example, or they may tell me about their knee which hurts when they squat…there’s always a solution and coming to us means they’ll be one step further towards finding it!
Just over half the people we meet currently exercise in some form or another; be that in a gym, with a running club, at home or in group classes. There’s a wide range of fitness levels within this group of people from high to low.
Around three quarters of the people we meet are looking for something which will keep their interest and stop them falling off the exercise wagon! It’s relatively easy to get started but to keep going, once the novelty wears off, that’s where it gets difficult unless you have support from fellow members and guidance from a committed coaching team.
And that brings us to the final point…
EVERYONE who comes in to a Volentia No Sweat Intro tells me they want and need ACCOUNTABILITY!
That’s what’s missing or has been missing from their current or past set up. The good news is that Volentia has accountability woven into its very make up. It’s what we do for our current members and what we will do for you if you join us!
Reading through this blog you may have recognised yourself in some of my examples..that doesn’t surprise me because our regular member is just like you!
If you’d like to come and see Volentia for yourself, click on the link below, send us a message and I’ll be in touch to arrange it with you. I’d love to hear how we can help you get stronger and fitter for your current and long term health and to find the right solutions for you to thrive in our community of likeminded individuals.